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Wikidot released under GNU Affero General Public License v3

The Wikidot Team is happy to announce the open-source release of the Wikidot software. We are opening both the Version 1 codebase that currently powers and the new development code for Wikidot 2, our next generation wiki platform, both under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.

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Open Source in science and education conference

We will have a one day Open Source event durring the Aplimat 2008, which is 7th International Conference on Applied Mathematics hosted every year in Bratislava. Our Open Source day started last year durring the 6th year of this conference and we officially started the project there. focus on developing Open Source project for their usage in education in Slovakia, and we are planning to make the project available for more European countries in the future.

Slovakia wants to host developer conference 2008 developer conference brings OO.o people from around the world to discuss the future of the open source office suite. This year Slovakia (SKOSI) is also running for hosting this event. We already started the preparation in December 2007, which did receive a huge popularity among our small European country. Sun, Novell, New Media Group, and few other companies pledged for help in organization, also the Slovak open source community is getting involved from different projects.

We are also playing with the Idea of making a co-event during the conference, which will be something like a Open Source Week, organizing smaller one day events durring the week, one day can be for the government, another for education and we can finish it with Software Freedom Day 2008 which will happen 4th time in Slovakia.

Right now the core team is around 10 people and we also have around 20 volunteers.

Wish is luck to see such great event happen in eastern Europe, nothing similar was here ever, this can be the first time...

1.29.2008 dismisses pro-OOXML report has dismissed an analyst report from Burton Group which claims that Microsoft's Office Open XML document format is preferable to the OpenDocument Format.


Sun acquires MySQL

After all the industry speculation about MySQL being a “hot 2008 IPO”, this probably takes most of us by surprise — users, community members, customers, partners, and employees. And for all of these stakeholders, it may take some time to digest what this means. Depending on one’s relationship to MySQL, the immediate reaction upon hearing the news may be a mixture of various feelings, including excitement, pride, disbelief and satisfaction, but also anxiety.

Being part of the group planning this announcement for the last few weeks, I have had the fortune to contemplate the consequences during several partially sleepless nights (I usually sleep like a log). And over the coming days and weeks, I’ll provide a series of blogs with various viewpoints of the deal.

First of all, let’s point out a couple of facts about Sun Microsystems — since all MySQL stakeholders may not be fully up to speed about Sun.

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