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Spreading awareness

Creating awareness within the European community among SMEs and the FLOSS
community about the resolution of patent issues is now the most
important task we have. Without support there is no resolution, and
without resolution there is a huge threat coming upon us.

Many people do not seem to understand the issues; they say "Software
patents are over". They are not, we only stopped computer implemented
inventions last year, but that doesn't mean we have won.
There are still many ways to implement software patents in
legislation - such as EPLA or the community patent which will come into effect
next year. And still, there are other directives trying to harm us as
well. What is the worst, that some of the decision-makers in the
Commission and the
Parliament are pro-patent, which means they believe such
legislation should exist. This is where we must approach them and
change it. The matter of Open market, competition and interoperability
are at stake. It isn't only about Free Software, it's about affecting
the European market, the place where we as consumers and producers will be
harmed the most.

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